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Cooking As It Relates To Writing.

Food and writing share quite a few of similarities, but the most interesting similarity is that they can both be used as creative outlets. To many, cooking is seen as a daunting task; for others, cooking is a way to express themselves. You can observe this by watching any cooking show, especially the competitive shows that showcase chefs competing against each other. Each chef has a different approach to the same task using the same ingredients. These are people who dream about nothing but cooking. They find joy in cooking because they are able to express themselves through their food; the same can be done through writing.

Another similarity between writing and cooking, that relates to expressing oneself, is the ability to establish an identity through these art forms. Writing can express the writers identity, as well as cooking. A reader can tell a lot about a person through their art form. This is done through the writers content, and the chefs dish. If a cook decides to make a southern dish, such as corn bread, chicken, and mashed potatoes, you would assume they have a southern influence. This would be a connection between the cooks and audience. The cook expresses himself through his food, the audience then perceives the cooks identity.

Writing connects a forum, writer, and audience to each other. The writer writes through a forum to reach an audience. The audience might change with the forum and therefore the message the writer writes might change. Cooking is the same; depending on the occasion, the cook may choose to cook something else more fitting to a variety of audiences. Family cooking looks very different than food served at a restaurant. Family cooking is serving to a different audience, a more familiar audience in a completely different environment. A more comfortable environment.

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